Brainspotting Intensive

Why you might want to consider an intensive

  • You’d like to enhance your therapy experiences by adding on an intensive, working through the issues that still feel stuck

  • You don’t have time to engage in ongoing weekly sessions and want to capitalize your time and experience healing more quickly

  • You recognize that a 45-53 minute weekly therapy session does not give you enough time to process as fully as you need to

  • You want to intensify your focus and healing capacity on a specific challenge or goal

  • You desire accelerated healing

What is Brainspotting?

Brainspotting is a therapeutic treatment which harnesses the power of the brain to heal and rewire itself. This occurs by identifying processing and releasing core neurophysiological sources of emotional/body pain, trauma, dissociation and a variety of other challenging symptoms.

Brainspotting uses a fixed eye position that correlates with a felt sense of activation in the body. Activation simply means that you noticing a response (strong intense feeling, thought, or physical sensation) around a particular topic. Together with the clinician, an eye position (Brainspot) is found that matches up with the felt sense of an experience. In keeping your gaze fixed on that spot, you notice the spot as well as the body sensations, emotions or thoughts that arise. When you no longer feel any activation in your body, your brain has worked through and released what has gotten stuck. This results in increased clarity for self as well as decreased emotional, reactive responses.

What’s Involved in an Intensive?

Three Hour Intensive

  • 20 Minute Free Consultation Call

  • 90 Minute Pre Intensive

  • 3 Hour Intensive (breaks as needed)

  • 60 Minute Post Intensive Session


20 Minute Consultation Call

I offer a free 20-minute phone call so you can determine if a Brainspotting Intensive is a good fit for you, as well as answer any questions you might have

90 Minute Pre-Intensive

The intensive will start with getting to know each other and gathering the background information needed to facilitate the intensive

Brainspotting Intensive

We will spend 3-4 hours processing with Brainspotting. If needed, there will be time for breaks needed during processing.

I encourage you to wear comfortable clothes and to bring along a snack. It is important to honor what your body is asking for in session, whether that be a break, time to renourish your energy with food and/or drink, or even adding in movement. It is also advised to clear the rest of your day of any activities or events, so you can continue to offer attention and responsiveness to your process

Post-Session Processing

We will schedule a 60 minute session 2-3 weeks after your Brainspotting Intensive. At that point, we will discuss any shifts, insights, or changes you have noticed since the intensive. We will identify any remaining work and determine the next best steps for your healing.

Brainspotting Intensives are offered on Mondays, Fridays, or Saturdays

Brainspotting Intensive Offerings

Four Hour Intensive

  • 20 Minute Free Consultation Call

  • 90 Minute Pre Intensive

  • 4 Hour Intensive (breaks as needed)

  • 60 Minute Post Intensive Session


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if I’m a good fit for Brainspotting?

The free 20 minute consultation is designed to help identify whether or not a Brainspotting Intensive would be helpful for you. Brainspotting addresses a multitude of issues, such as:

  • All forms of Trauma

  • Grief

  • Mood Disorders

  • Phobias

  • OCD

  • Somatic Issues

  • Attachment Issues

  • Performance Issues

Will I be able to use my insurance for an intensive?

Unfortunately, a Brainspotting Intensive is not covered by your insurance company. Keep in mind that by engaging with a Brainspotting Intensive, you are shortening the amount of time needed to fully process and release the issues you’re addressing (versus ongoing weekly therapy over an extended course of time).

Will I need more than one intensive?

After your Brainspotting Intensive, the post-intensive session will explore and identify where you are at in your healing journey. Many issues are fully resolved in one Brainspotting intensive. If you have experienced complex trauma or have ongoing trauma in your life, you may need more than one Brainspotting Intensive.

Can I have a Brainspotting Intensive if I’m already working with a therapist?

Yes! A Brainspotting Intensive complements the work you are doing in individual therapy, and can often accelerate or deepen your process in ongoing therapy sessions.

How do I pay for an intensive?

When we schedule your intensive, I require a 50% non-refundable deposit to hold your time. The remaining 50% is charged the day of your intensive.

What if something comes up and I need to reschedule?

I understand that there are unavoidable circumstances that happen. If you need to cancel, please reach out as soon as possible to re-schedule your time. Please note that if you cancel entirely and do not reschedule, your initial 50% deposit is non-refundable.