Couples Counseling

Couples counseling helps people understand what is going on within and between their relationship. This insight, together with the nonjudgmental support of a neutral third party, couples work collaboratively to make change, improve communication, and to grow a healthy and solid foundation.

Is marital/pre-marital therapy covered by my insurance?

Rarely. Most insurance companies pay to treat mental health disorders and require services to be “medically necessary”. Medical necessity requires that covered services treat a disease, injury, condition, or illness. When I am seeing a couple, I am typically not treating a mental health disorder, but instead focusing on the goal of enhancing, saving, or restoring a relationship.

I strongly suggest that couples reach out to their insurance plans and/or benefits administrators to inquire whether “Z Codes” are covered by their plan. The Z Code used for marital/pre-marital therapy is Z63.0 – Problems in Relationship with Spouse or Partner. Do not ask if couples counseling is covered. Instead ask that they look up code Z63.0 and determine coverage for that. In many cases, member services will not have this information and you should ask to speak with someone in the claims department.